неділя, 19 лютого 2017 р.

Відкритий лист щодо прав людини в Польщі

Просимо Вас підписати від імені своїх організацій відкритий лист до Європейської Комісії  щодо погіршення ситуації з правами людини в Польщі.
Його вже підписали польські правозахисні організації, а також міжнародні організації Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, FIDH, Reporters Without Borders та інші.

Щоби поставити свій підпис, надішліть лист із назвою своєї організації на адресу jointletter@amnesty.org.pl до 21 лютого 2017 року.

Нижче короткий опис ситуації, що склалася:

As you may know, in January last year, the European Commission triggered its 'Rule of Law Framework' against Poland in reaction to the Polish government's attack on the Constitutional Tribunal. It was the first time the EC used this mechanism which was created in 2014. You may have seen that the Polish authorities have not responded positively to this mechanism. The mechanism was thought to have come to an end in October 2016 when the deadline expired for Poland to address the official Recommendation made by the EC in July. This was the final step in the procedure. On 22 December, however, the EC tried to buy more time and issued 'additional recommendations', which the Polish authorities have also rejected. The deadline given to Poland to respond was the 21st of February. That date is coming closer now and we have come together with a number of NGOs to write a joint letter to all Commissioners to call on them to now follow up with the next step; to trigger Art 7 of the Treaty of the European Union (see info below). 

Article 7 has never been triggered before, but the situation in Poland is so serious that it absolutely warrants this step. From meetings with Timmermans, his cabinet and DG Justice as well as other sources, we know that the EC is reluctant to take the next step, as it means the issue will be put on the agenda of the Council where member states take the decisions. The fear is that member states will not be supportive of taking action on Poland and that the initiative will fail. Nevertheless, our assessment is that the EC has no choice but to take its responsibility and refer this issue to the Council. It is then up to member states to take the next step in the protection of human rights and rule of law which are (supposed to be) at the very basis of the EU. 

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